Scheduled Maintenance on November 5, 01:00 CET

Bitvavo will undergo scheduled maintenance on Friday, November 5th 2021, starting at 01:00 (1AM) CET. We will upgrade our systems and expect the maintenance to take up to 5 hours.

We have chosen to perform this upgrade at night to minimize the impact on your trading activity. We nevertheless apologize for the inconvenience.

During this time you will be unable to access the Bitvavo platforms or perform any actions related to your Bitvavo account (including trades, deposits, and withdrawals). For detailed information, please refer to Bitvavo's Trading Rules, subsection "Order Matching during Auctions and Halted markets".

Please plan to access or perform any transfers or withdrawals outside of the scheduled hours.

We will update on the status of the maintenance on our website and on our Twitter account.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team at