Bitvavo has updated several of its terms applicable to your use of all of Bitvavo's services. Thank you for carefully reading and familiarizing yourself with the updated terms, before making use of the Bitvavo services. This overview is intended to help you better understand these updates.
What terms have changed?
The terms we’ve updated are:
Why is Bitvavo updating its terms?
Bitvavo periodically updates its terms, to ensure that these reflect Bitvavo's services and related conditions accurately. Most changes were made for readability purposes. Should you not agree to these changes, you can terminate your accountand stop using Bitvavo's services at any time.
What changes are made to the User Agreement and Trading Rules?
Generally improved readability and clarity
Added a section regarding our new Bitvavo Account Guarantee pilot program. More details on the program can be found here.
Updated the provisions on account security to ensure better safety for ourusers.
Expanded wording relating to safekeeping of funds, to ensure better protection of user funds.
Clarified the different order types and related fees.
Expanded our explanation on who may open and use a Bitvavo account.
Consolidated the referral program, API, Verification Procedure and Limits,and Prohibited Use annexes into the User Agreement.
Expanded our Intellectual Property Rights section.
What changes are made to the Risk Disclosure Statement?
We improved overall readability by better clarifying the different aspects of our service, so as to better inform users of the risks involved. This includes more explanation on market functioning, Digital Asset management and storage, underlying blockchain protocols and the possible risks and errors involved therein.
When do these new terms apply?
The terms apply from 7 June 2022.
Do i have to accept these new terms?
If you are a Bitvavo User, you will have deemed to have accepted our new terms if you continue your use of the service after we have notified you of these changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you can terminate your account and stop using Bitvavo’s services at any time.
Which countries are impacted by the new terms?
The new terms apply to all current Bitvavo Users, in all countries.